Wednesday, April 13, 2011

10 days in from Phuket International Hospital

    John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans", the more I read this the more it makes sense.  I sit next to a window in a hospital in Phuket and yet I am not upset at the situation.  As I watch mother nature put on a fabulous light show among the mountains, I think about how lucky I am.  If you look at it from an optimistic perspective I am in what most people would consider a tropical paradise, learning muay thai from fighters I could never had access to at home and beat my biggest fear in the process.

   I am usually a socially awkward person, I talk too much, tell stories, although true, most people don't believe or care about, and I know for a fact I have several other irritating habits.  In Phuket I did something that I rarely do, I listen, alot.  I've met people this week from all the the inhabited continents of the globe, and have had the privilege to listen to their stories and share some of mine. The friends you make on this island can last a lifetime as my Instructor always says, "Go climb Everest with someone and you will get to know them quick".  I believe this can also go for any extraordinary feat.  I got a call from one of my new friends Lisa at 8 am checking on me after being admitted last night, I didn't expect that, and was very grateful for the call.

  The most interesting thing about this place is the training itself.  My main trainer is Run at Sinbi,  like most of the trainers he speaks very little English, so this means no banter about Lesnar's Beard between rounds, but he has improved my technique by leaps and bounds with simple words.  When I do something right his automatic response is "yes", when I execute a great technique I am rewarded with "I like".  I don't know if I am a visual learner but over here I have picked up so much by watching Run vs. listening to explanation over and over.  I guess Dana White is right fighting is universal.

   I guess the most enjoyable thing on this whole trip is knowing what allowed me to get here is the hard work I and my training partners have done back at Gladiator's Academy to allow me to be here.  I know without the help and guidance from Tim and Josh, and the sometimes exhausting training sessions with everyone else I know for a fact I would not be here, not only physically but have a strong mind to endure minor set backs like the position I find my self in.

  I hope that this trip will allow me to be a better training partner at the gym, but more so I hope I can use this in the never ending quest to be a better person.

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